To melt in my gaze and just seep into the cracks of earth. I must be insane, knowing the foolishness of it all but yet being unable to stop myself from being mesmerised. Memories and images, imagination, all of which play tug of war with the strings of my core. Allow me to shift my focus, if you will, at least for a time such as this.
Monday, July 11, 2011 at 9:43 AM
I praise the Lord on account of what's happened. From wiping the sin off my hand to wiping repentence. Thank you Lord for revealing to me your truth, that you want me free from sin not to merely bless me but to save me. That everytime I fall I strike nails into again and again, that I do not desire you enough to let go of my sin. That I CHOSE to sin. that i'm choosing hell itself. I thank you Lord so much that your revelation has hit me hard enough. I pray that I will continue to seek you more and more each day, and to continue desire you because i'm so pathetic and hopeless without you.
Torn between Tuesday, July 05, 2011 at 7:50 AM
Torn between the heart and the mind. I know what's right, I know I what I should be but I fail helplessly. Aren't we all? I need to make a stand. choose and stick with it. God grant me strength.
Your so awesome, yet I fail you. again, and again. Help me to change here, here and now.
Saturday, July 02, 2011 at 11:15 AM
So. that's it huh. it pains me so greatly what we've become, words cannot express. I shall now only care about the small handful of people that I have an influence over. screw everything else. your image and identity will have nothing to do me, I will not consider myself as a part of you. Shall I use you as you have used us? Shall I become another leech to your body? remember, when your scope falls on materialistic targets and you ignore the people, there will be a backblast. People don't stay young and naive forever.