Alot has happened since i last bloged, again i find it a challange to keep updating but probably will do so once in a long while. The main thing that have passed would be Airborne, I got selected, sent to training and came out an Airborne trooper! or Airborne cadet officer at least. The feeling of jumping out of an aircraft at a thousand feet high is more amazing than what I imagined it would be, a real dream come true. I'll never forget my first jump, being the first in line, standing at the edge of the ramp of the chinook ch-47, waiting for the jumpmaster's tap and go, the 5 seaconds free fall, counting louder than I ever did before while free falling, feeling the shock of the chute catching air, the flight, the sight, and finally the landing. Amazing.
Met some really cool people who're gonna be my bosses and co-workers in the future. saw the life of a commando from an NS man's perspective, saw what my future would somehow be like. CDOs FTW! Though not everything is awesome, like the time you get to spend with family and freinds.
Food for thought: If you in the midst of changing a habit in your life, and have a genuine desire to change but are not quite there yet, are you considered a hypocrite?