Many things to blog about, but this post is dedicated to one thing-God. they say when your away from him, and you take a single step towards him, he'll take a hundred steps towards you. I finally came to understand that recently. you see, recently, i sorta lost my zeal for God. Yes, i'm not going around killing anyone or going against any laws for that matter, but living a life which i thought was ok. I thought. you'd figure i'd learn from my NCC, with a common phrase:"You think i thought who confirm?" started oversleeping for services, spent very little time with God, and basically lost the fire within. 2 days ago out of the blue I deceided to search for "christian rap" in youtube. This was the first one the list:
Coincidence, I don't think so. i went on, from song to song
Honestly. this ain't coincidence, it ain't luck, it's God. it's the first rap song that brought me to tears, making me understand my folly.
Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 5:16 PM
It's my birthday! lol. been doing a whole range of stuff since i last updated. going for NCC, church activities and plenty of playing games actually. well something i really wanna do is to stop using swear words. seriously. it's something that i wrongly pick up from all the people around me and it has become very a bad habit. SO...i'm gonna start today, on my birthday, in a sense being "reborn" lol... i'm gonna do 50 pushups for every swear word that pops outta my mouth... IT'S TIME FOR A REVOLUTION!
that aside.... RONG KING ARE YOU STILL SLEEPING?!?!? still say that you can wake up at 6. yea right...